Water Crisis in Rafflesia
Role: Research, Concept, Game Design, Animation, Illustration
Skill: Flash, AS3.0, After Effects, Photoshop, Illustrator


2009 MFA Thesis Document

'Water Crisis in Rafflesia' is an online, single-player game that contextualizes the U.S. Subprime (Credit) Crisis of 2007 for everyday people, who are not well versed with the economic terms and systems that are core to the understanding of the event and its aftermath.

Set in the popular narrative: Jack and the Beanstalk, the player can view the crisis from the eyes of Jack the borrower, Giant the lender, or as Fairy Greenspan the government character. The thesis project deliverable implements the game from the Giant's perspective.

Once familiar with the scenarios, the player will be able to draw parallels in any further commentary on the topic.

Code implementation is a work in progress. Please check later for updates.

  Left: Video Walkthrough of Gameplay; Right: The Water Cycle of Rafflesia

  Below: Screenshots from the Game