Regulatory System

Information Graphic

Project Documentation

The info-graphic maps the three interconnected pillars of the United States Regulatory System (Executive, Legislative and Judicial) from 1933 to 2007.

News items in black represent external events, red items represent internal events, green items represent legislative reactions to those events, and orange items represent legislations that pertain to foreign nationals.

On exploring the September attacks of 2001, a viewer can browse all regulatory reactions to the event simultaneously.

Water Crisis in Rafflesia

Game Prototype

Project Documentation

An online, single-player game that contextualizes the U.S. Subprime (Credit) Crisis of 2007 for people who are not well versed with financial terms and systems core to the understanding the event and its aftermath.

The project was my Parsons MFA thesis. The deliverable was a video prototype of the game in action. It demonstrates the gameplay from the lender’s perspective.



Project Documentation

The lobby pet ‘Jim’ is a sound reactive creature devised for entertainment.

Jim entertains you while you wait for an elevator, stand in line for food, or various other dull times of the day.

Shipra Gupta